Summer series webinars: Understanding Comprehensive SRHR: Sharing experiences from Canada and Latin America

Please join us for a discussion about what the neglected areas of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) look like from the perspective of our partners in Canada and Latin America from the Rights from the Start project funded by Global Affairs Canada.

As we see the rise of more regressive actors and the attacks and disinformation around sex-ed, sexual and reproductive health access and advocacy spaces around SRHR in Latin America and Canada, this series of webinars will bring together experts from Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Canada to share their experiences and examples of why we need to continue supporting the work around these neglected areas in local, regional and global spaces. Each webinar will include time for questions.

We hope that you join us for these knowledge-building sessions. All are welcome!


  1. Discuss the lessons learned, challenges and risks around comprehensive SRHR in LAC.  

  1.  Generate opportunities for RFTS partners and Canadian organizations to learn more about their work around comprehensive SRHR in their local context. 

  1. Reflect on how cross-regional collaboration can continue advocating for comprehensive global SRHR.  

Please note that the webinars will take place in English and Spanish. Interpretation will be available in both languages.  

If you would like to submit a question on a specific theme in advance of the webinar, please do so here 

July 13, 11am-12pm EDT: Comprehensive Sexuality Education from Youth Perspectives  


  • CEPAM-G from Ecuador - with their ‘Claro que EIS’ campaign
  • Ivett Avendano - Fos Feminista, International Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights and Justice
  • Nadine Thornhill - Sex- Educator in Canada with more than 15 years of experience, supporting different CSE projects.

August 10, 11am-12pm EDT: SRH Youth-Friendly Services 


September 7, 11am-12pm EDT: From Local and Regional Advocacy to International Advocacy around SRHR 


  • Elida Guerra-PROMSEX Peru
  • Lona Laurisden Burger-Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights
  • Karina Trujillo y FernandoD’Elio-AKAHATA
Register for the Event
Please register to one or more of the events part of this Summer Series Webinars.