Over 60% of Access Line callers tell us that travel and location are major barriers for them. Many require financial support from the Norma Scarborough Emergency Fund (the only one of its kind in Canada) to pay for the travel, medication, and related expenses coming out of their pocket.

Through donor support last year, the fund provided travel and accommodation for 79 people who did not have access to abortion nearby and would otherwise not be able to afford this essential medical service. Without the fund, many people who are not covered by provincial health care, who have tenuous immigration status, who live in poverty, who are marginalized in countless ways would otherwise not have had access to abortion. Our work to support people seeking care is made possible through partnerships.
Year after year, the Emergency Fund is drawn down to $0--clearly filling an important service gap. Thanks to donor contributions, we are building a strong network of individuals and organizations who can support people facing different barriers in access to abortion care. Creating access plans is a big part of the work we do to meet every person's individual needs and to ensure that access to abortion is not dependent on social, geographical, or economic status.
Donor questions? Call us at 613.241.4474 x 10800 or email donate@actioncanadashr.org